Revealing UFO Sighting Pattern

A Data-Driven Investigation into Global UFO Sightings

–Plot Crafters


“UFO Sightings Redux” dataset is obtained from National UFO Reporting center. The dataset offers a detailed look into various aspects of UFO sightings, including temporal details, geographical information, and specific characteristics of the reported sightings.Our mission is to decipher patterns, trends, and anomalies within this dataset. By employing data analysis techniques, we aim to uncover temporal, spatial, and thematic insights that may bring us closer to understanding the enigmatic world of UFO sightings.

Q1: How many UFO sightings have been reported worldwide ? Particular regions where these sightings occur more frequently ?

Motivation for Question1:

-By exploring the distribution of UFO sightings across different locations, we aim to uncover geographical patterns and hotspots.

-This investigation can provide insights into whether certain areas or countries have a higher incidence of reported UFO sightings, contributing to our understanding of potential regional variations in extraterrestrial encounter reports.

Global Distribution of UFO Sightings

Frequency of Sightings

Inferences Drawn from the Plots

  • The total number of UFOs sighted globally is 74,345

  • UFO are sighted more frequently in North America

Q2: Is there any specific time of the day when UFO sighting are more prevalent?

Motivation for Question2:

  • By exploring temporal patterns in UFO sightings, we aim to identify if certain times of the day are associated with a higher frequency of reported encounters.
  • This investigation can provide valuable insights into the temporal aspects of UFO sightings, potentially revealing patterns that could be linked to environmental conditions, human behavior, or other factors.

Understanding Time Trend for UFO sightings

Inference drawn from the plot

  1. Optimal Visibility: Darker evening skies provide better visibility, aiding in the detection of unusual objects or lights.

  2. Leisure Activities: Evening leisure pursuits, like stargazing and outdoor activities, increase opportunities for people to spot UFOs while relaxing outdoors.

  3. Cultural Influence: Cultural depictions of UFO sightings during nighttime and psychological factors may heighten vigilance and reporting of sightings during evening hours.

Count of UFO by different Time of Day

  1. Optimal Visibility: Darker evening skies provide better visibility, aiding in the detection of unusual objects or lights.

  2. Leisure Activities: Evening leisure pursuits, like stargazing and outdoor activities, increase opportunities for people to spot UFOs while relaxing outdoors.

3.Cultural Influence: Cultural depictions of UFO sightings during nighttime and psychological factors may heighten vigilance and reporting of sightings during evening hours.

Observations for Q2

  • Nighttime records the highest UFO sightings, with 34,283 occurrences, followed closely by Evening with 30,211 sightings.

  • In contrast, Morning and Afternoon show considerably lower counts of 6,200 and 9,638 sightings, respectively.

Wrap up

Overall Conclusion for both Q1 & Q2

  • Americans by far claimed ufo sightings most frequently. Three possible conclusions:

    1) alien UFOs have unfinished business in the USA

    2) Americans are the most delusional

    3) Other countries don’t care to collect such data so UFO sightings would be under-reported.

  • UFO sightings tend to be more prevalent during the night, aligning with the common perception of UFO sightings occurring in the dark.

Thank you