Unveiling the Mystery: Exploring Patterns and Associations in UFO Sightings Data

INFO 526 - Spring 2024 - Project 1

Fight Club

Data Set

The data-set records 80,000 observations and is extracted from Tidy Tuesday.


The three data-sets are as follows :

  • ufo_sightings.csv

  • places.csv

  • days_parts_map

Question - 1

What is the geographic distribution of UFO sightings? Are there any hotspots where the number of sightings is prevalent? Is there any correlation between the location of the sighting and the shape of the UFO?

Heat-map Distribution of UFO Sightings

UFO Sighting Distribution in the US

Variance of Shape Sightings

Question - 2

Are there any patterns to the sightings concerning seasons? Do astronomical events affect the reported sightings?

UFO Sightings By Season For Each Decade

UFO Sightings by Part of Day

Wrap Up

To conclude,

While we can’t definitively say whether UFO sightings are real or not, there are more than enough claims to argue that there is a possibility extraterrestrial life exists and that we may have encountered them in the past.

Questions Are Welcomed 🛸